This plugin will keep daily Excel reports of your entire drive, including Longitude, Latitude, Current Street, Speed and Total distance traveled.
The reports are categorised into sub folders for the current month/year
This also allows you to see exactly where you were at a particular time in the past!
How much does it cost?
I don't charge a single penny for Map Monkey. Being in the carputer community myself, I want to be able to contribute as much as I can. Unfortunately that doesn't mean you can simply download and be on your way. You're going to need the SDK (Software Development Kit) and some maps, which have to be purchased from Powerloc or a Destinator Reseller.
wo bekomm ich das sdk her?
sind die maps wirklich so teuer
taugt mapmonkey auch als navigationssystem was? schaut alles so englisch aus (also wahrscheinlich nix mit sprachausgabe usw.)
(hab in einem forum noch nie so schnell kompetente hilfe bekommen