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Anmeldung: 22.10.2005
Beiträge: 376
Wohnort: Kleinberghofen

BeitragVerfasst: So 09 Apr, 2006 16:17  Titel:  Scriptänderung gebraucht
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hab da ein Script, welches gefundene AP's mit deren Namen nennt und ob diese verschlüsselt oder nicht sind.
Nun, da die Namensnennung teilweise ewig braucht, hätte ich gern den Teil aus dem Script rausgenommen, sodass nur open closed angesagt wird.
Folgend der meiner Meinung nach wichtige Teil, vorsichtshalber unten das ganze Script.

Danke für Hilfe.

*************** User Configurable Switches ****************
'***** Mappoint
UseMappoint = True '20040426 - True if you want to use Mappoint - this overrides
' DropCrumbs and TrackVehicle
place = "camino de valhondo O barajas, 28042 Madrid, Spain" 'Enter your starting location (street,#, city, country)
zoomToStartLoc = True ' True if you want MapPoint to zoom to start location entered in 'place' above
DropCrumbs = True ' True to put black dots everywhere we go, False otherwise
TrackVehicle = True ' True to follow your location while scanning

'***** Speech
UseSpeech = True ' Speak names of networks in view
AddWEP = True '20040429b - True if you want voice to add WEP status "is Open" or "is Closed" to the SSID
strNoWep = " is Open" ' Set to what you want added to SSID for NonWEP
strWEP = " is Closed" ' Set to what you want added to SSID for WEP
VoiceNum = Empty ' 20040504 set this to the number of the voice you want to use - Setting to Empty will use the default voice

'***** Sounds
UseAudio = False ' Traditional script audio - if you are using speech this will only trigger if there are no
' new ssids to say
UseSignalStr = False '20040426 - True if you want the varying signal strength sounds - if you are using speech
'this will only trigger if there are no new ssids to say, and UseAudio = True

'*********************End of switches***********************

'Version 00:19 20040511

'20040426 Marks changes made to use speech, when you are not lucky enough to have
' Mappoint. Also adds ability to turn off signal strength playing - TPEER

'20040429a Marks changes made to allow setting of voice - find \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
' Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens - that should give you a list of voices you can set
' it starts at 0, not 1. Change the line "Set TTS.voice = TTS.getvoices().item(X)" where X
' equals the number of the voice you want - TPEER

'20040429b Marks changes made to store the WEP status with the SSID, so the 'Stumbler Lady' will
' add "is Open" or "is Closed" - TPEER

' Start of by Laidback 030504
' Start of by Laidback - Start of Changes made by Laidback
' End of by Laidback - End of Changes made by Laidback
' Code thanks to TrackNS & rogerRabbit!
' End of by Laidback 030504
'20040504 Marks change to allow override of default voice by this script
' Also set VoiceNum to the number of the voice you want to use

' Will say the name of the voice IF you override the default - TPEER

'20040506 Changes to Voice stuff. If VoiceNum = Empty, the default voice will used
' Modified the hello world message to be the name of the voice used
' organized the user changeable switches/variables a little
' Changed all mappoint stuff to not be checked unless UseMAppoint = True - TPEER
'20040509 Version 00:18 - Removed everything to do with zoomcontrol.txt! - Laidback
'20040511 Version 00:19 - Added message boxes if unable to initialize voice or mappoint
' Added variable for what to add to WEP and NOWEP SSIDs
' Fixed bug with UseSpeech - TPEER

Dim ActiveMap
Dim LastLocation
Dim MapPointApp
Dim HistoryPushpins
Dim MotionPushpins
Dim WLANPushpins
Dim Vehicle
Dim Initialized
Dim BSSID_Dictionary, Spoken_BSSIDs, New_SSIDs
Dim IsScanning
Dim HadGPSData
Dim LastLatitude, LastLongitude, LastAltitude
Dim DropCrumbs, TrackVehicle, UseSpeech, UseAudio
Dim LastHighlighted

Dim UseMappoint ' 20040426
Dim UseSignalStr ' 20040426
Dim AddWEP ' 20040429b
Dim strNoWEP '20040511
Dim strWEP '20040511

Dim VoiceNum '20040504

' Start of by Laidback 030504
Dim CL, nameDir
nameScript = "ns04mappoint00:19"
' end of by Laidback 030504

' Start of by Laidback 050504
Dim place
Dim zoomToStartLoc
' End of by Laidback 050504

'*************** User Configurable Switches ****************
'***** Mappoint
UseMappoint = True '20040426 - True if you want to use Mappoint - this overrides
' DropCrumbs and TrackVehicle
place = "camino de valhondo O barajas, 28042 Madrid, Spain" 'Enter your starting location (street,#, city, country)
zoomToStartLoc = True ' True if you want MapPoint to zoom to start location entered in 'place' above
DropCrumbs = True ' True to put black dots everywhere we go, False otherwise
TrackVehicle = True ' True to follow your location while scanning

'***** Speech
UseSpeech = True ' Speak names of networks in view
AddWEP = True '20040429b - True if you want voice to add WEP status "is Open" or "is Closed" to the SSID
strNoWep = " offen" ' Set to what you want added to SSID for NonWEP
strWEP = " zu" ' Set to what you want added to SSID for WEP
VoiceNum = Empty ' 20040504 set this to the number of the voice you want to use - Setting to Empty will use the default voice

'***** Sounds
UseAudio = False ' Traditional script audio - if you are using speech this will only trigger if there are no
' new ssids to say
UseSignalStr = False '20040426 - True if you want the varying signal strength sounds - if you are using speech
'this will only trigger if there are no new ssids to say, and UseAudio = True

'*********************End of switches***********************

If UseMappoint Then '20040426
AddItemContextMenu "HighlightOnMap", "Highlight on map"
End If '20040426

Set LastHighlighted = Nothing
Set WLANPushpins = Nothing


On Error Resume Next ' 20040511

If UseSpeech Then
Set TTS = CreateObject("Sapi.SpVoice")
If Err <> 0 then ' 20040511
UseSpeech = False ' 20040511
MsgBox "Unable to wake up Stumbler Lady", 16, nameScript '20040511
End If ' 20040511
End If

If UseSpeech then ' 20040511
If TTS Is Nothing Then
UseSpeech = False
else ' 20040429a
Set TTS.voice = TTS.getvoices().item(VoiceNum) ' 20040429a
End If
End If

If UseSpeech Then
TTS.Speak TTS.getvoices().item(VoiceNum).getdescription ' 20040505
'TTS.Speak "Hello Ian!" ' commented out 20040505
Set Spoken_BSSIDs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set New_SSIDs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End If


Sub Initialize()
On Error Resume Next

HadGPSData = False

Set BSSID_Dictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

If UseMappoint Then '20040426
' Try to get a handle to an existing instance of MapPoint
Set MapPointApp = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application")

' No instance found, create one.
If Err <> 0 Then

Set MapPointApp = CreateObject("MapPoint.Application")
If Err = 0 then ' 20040505
MapPointApp.Visible = True
MapPointApp.UserControl = False
else '20040505
Msgbox "Unable to initialize Mappoint", 16, nameScript '20040511
Err.Clear ' 20040505
UseMappoint = False ' 20040505
place = "" ' 20040505
zoomToStartLoc = False ' 20040505
DropCrumbs = False ' 20040505
TrackVehicle = False ' 20040505
End If ' 20040505
End If
End If ' 20040505

If UseMappoint Then '20040505
Set ActiveMap = MapPointApp.ActiveMap

Dim StartLoc
Set StartLoc = ActiveMap.FindResults(place)(1) ' Middle of, uh, somewhere

If DropCrumbs Then
Set HistoryPushpins = ActiveMap.Datasets.AddPushpinSet("Location History")
If Err <> 0 Then

Set HistoryPushpins = ActiveMap.Datasets("Location History")
End If
End If

Set WLANPushpins = ActiveMap.Datasets.AddPushpinSet("Wireless LAN data")
If Err <> 0 Then

Set WLANPushpins = ActiveMap.Datasets("Wireless LAN data")
End If

If TrackVehicle Then
Set MotionPushpins = ActiveMap.Datasets.AddPushpinSet("Last Location")
If Err <> 0 Then

Set MotionPushpins = ActiveMap.Datasets("Last Location")
End If

Set Vehicle = MotionPushpins("Last Location")
If Err <> 0 Then

Set Vehicle = FindOrAddPushpin(StartLoc, "Last Location", False)

End If

Vehicle.Symbol = 82 ' red car, just like the stumblemobile Smile
Vehicle.Highlight = True

Vehicle.MoveTo (MotionPushpins)

' Start of by Laidback 050504

if zoomToStartLoc = True then
End if

' End of by Laidback 050504

End If
End If '20040426

Initialized = True

' Start of by Laidback 030504

IsScanning = True

End Sub

Function SSIDIcon(SSID)
Dim i, s
s = 0
For i = 1 To Len(SSID)
s = s + Asc(Mid(SSID, i, 1))
SSIDIcon = 17 + (s Mod 47)
End Function

Sub HighlightOnMap(BSSID, SSID)
If Not LastHighlighted Is Nothing Then
LastHighlighted.Highlight = False
LastHighlighted.BalloonState = 0
End If
If BSSID_Dictionary.Exists(BSSID) Then
Set LastHighlighted = BSSID_Dictionary.Item(BSSID)
LastHighlighted.Highlight = True
LastHighlighted.BalloonState = 2

End If
End Sub

Function FindOrAddPushpin(Loc, Title, InDict)
On Error Resume Next
Dim pp
Set pp = Nothing
Set pp = ActiveMap.AddPushpin(Loc, Title)
If pp Is Nothing Then Set pp = ActiveMap.FindPushpin(Title)
If InDict Then Set BSSID_Dictionary.Item(Title) = pp
Set FindOrAddPushpin = pp
End Function


Sub OnGPSPosition(Lat, Lon, Alt)
' Lat : double : Latitude, degrees east
' Lon : double : Longitude, degrees north
' Alt : double : Altitude above sea level, meters

If Not Initialized Then
End If

If UseMappoint Then '20040426
' Start of by Laidback 030504
on error resume next
' End of by Laidback 030504
If HadGPSData Then
' If we haven't moved, do nothing.
If LastLatitude = Lat And LastLongitude = Lon And LastAltitude = Alt Then Exit Sub
End If
LastLatitude = Lat
LastLongitude = Lon
LastAltitude = Alt

Set LastLocation = ActiveMap.GetLocation(Lat, Lon, Alt)

If DropCrumbs Then
Dim Crumb
Set Crumb = FindOrAddPushpin(LastLocation, Lat & " " & Lon & " " & Alt, False)
Crumb.Symbol = 16 ' Small black circle
Crumb.MoveTo (HistoryPushpins)
End If

If TrackVehicle Then
' Move the visual indicator to the new location.
Set Vehicle.Location = LastLocation

If IsScanning Or Not HadGPSData Then
' If scanning or first position, center the map on the new location

' Start of by Laidback 030504

UpdateCurrentLocation Lat, Lon

' End of by Laidback 030504

End If
End If
End If '20040426

HadGPSData = True
End Sub

' Called when user requests that scanning start, or when scanning is started automatically.
Sub OnEnableScan()
If Not HadGPSData Then Exit Sub ' Discard while no GPS

If Not Initialized Then
End If

IsScanning = True
End Sub

' Called when user requests that scanning stop.
Sub OnDisableScan()
' Start of by Laidback 030504
on error resume next
' End of by Laidback 030504
If WLANPushpins Is Nothing Then
' Blah
If UseMappoint Then '20040426
End If '20040426
End If
IsScanning = False
End Sub

Sub OnScanResult(SSID, BSSID, CapFlags, Signal, Noise, LastSeen)
' SSID : String : SSID (Network name)
' BSSID : String : BSSID (MAC address)
' CapFlags : Integer : 802.11 capability flags
' Signal : Integer : signal level (dBm)
' Noise : Integer : noise level(dBm)
' LastSeen : Time

Dim ComboSSID '20040429

' If UseSpeech And Not Spoken_BSSIDs.Exists(BSSID) Then 20040511
If UseSpeech Then '20040511
If Not Spoken_BSSIDs.Exists(BSSID) Then '20040511
' TTS.Speak SSID, SVSFlagsAsync
' New_SSIDs.Item(SSID) = 1 ' 20040429b
ComboSSID = SSID ' 20040429
If AddWEP then '20040429b
If ((CapFlags / 16) Mod 2) = 1 Then '20040429b
ComboSSID = SSID & strWEP '20040429b
Else '20040429b
ComboSSID = SSID & strNoWEP '20040429b
End If ' 20040429b
End If '20040429b
New_SSIDs.Item(ComboSSID) = 1 ' 20040429b
Spoken_BSSIDs.Item(BSSID) = LastSeen ' Could check and see if it's been a long time, play again
End If
End If
End Sub

' Called to indicate that NetStumbler has changed its location information
' for a BSSID. The new location may not necessarily be the place where you
' are right now.
' History: New in 0.4.
Sub OnPositionChange(SSID, BSSID, CapFlags, MaxSNR, Lat, Lon, Alt, FixType)
' SSID : String : SSID (Network name)
' BSSID : String : BSSID (MAC address)
' CapFlags : Integer : 802.11 capability flags
' MaxSNR: Integer : highest seen signal-to-noise ratio (dB) that had a position fix associated with it
' Lat : Double : Newly calculated latitude, degrees
' Lon : Double : Newly calculated longitude, degrees
' Alt : Double : Newly calculated altitude (currently not calculated)
' FixType : Integer : Reserved for future use.

' TTS.Speak SSID, SVSFlagsAsync

If Not Initialized Then
' To get here, start with no script, start scan, then enable script
IsScanning = True
End If

If UseMappoint Then '20040426
Dim foundBSS, newLocation

Set newLocation = ActiveMap.GetLocation(Lat, Lon, Alt)

If BSSID_Dictionary.Exists(BSSID) Then
Set foundBSS = BSSID_Dictionary.Item(BSSID)
Set foundBSS.Location = newLocation
Set foundBSS = FindOrAddPushpin(newLocation, BSSID, True)
foundBSS.MoveTo (WLANPushpins)

foundBSS.Symbol = SSIDIcon(SSID)
End If

Dim Flags
Flags = ""
If (CapFlags Mod 2) = 1 Then Flags = Flags & "ESS "
If ((CapFlags / 2) Mod 2) = 1 Then Flags = Flags & "IBSS "
If ((CapFlags / 16) Mod 2) = 1 Then Flags = Flags & "WEP "
foundBSS.Note = "SSID: " & SSID & vbCrLf & _
"BSSID: " & BSSID & vbCrLf & _
"CapFlags: " & Flags & " (" & Hex(CapFlags) & ")" & _
"SNR: " & MaxSNR

Set newLocation = Nothing
End If '20040426

End Sub

' Called when a scan cycle has completed (typically right before a new one starts).
Sub OnScanComplete(FoundNew, SeenBefore, LostContact, BestSNR)
' FoundNew : Integer : Count of new BSSIDs
' SeenBefore : Integer : Count of not-new BSSIDs
' LostContact : Integer : Count of BSSIDs missed since last scan
' BestSNR : Integer : SNR of strongest signal (dBm)
'If UseSpeech And (New_SSIDs.Count > 0) Then 20040511
If UseSpeech Then '20040511
If (New_SSIDs.Count > 0) Then '20040511
Dim n, a
n = New_SSIDs.Count
a = New_SSIDs.Keys
For i = 0 To n - 1
TTS.Speak a(i), SVSFlagsAsync
ElseIf UseAudio Then
If FoundNew > 0 Then
PlaySound "ns-aos-new.WAV"
ElseIf LostContact > 0 Then
PlaySound "ns-los.WAV"
ElseIf SeenBefore > 0 Then
If UseSignalStr Then '20040426
' Still seeing some
If BestSNR >= 60 Then
PlaySound "ns-signal-6.WAV"
ElseIf BestSNR >= 50 Then
PlaySound "ns-signal-5.WAV"
ElseIf BestSNR >= 40 Then
PlaySound "ns-signal-4.WAV"
ElseIf BestSNR >= 30 Then
PlaySound "ns-signal-3.WAV"
ElseIf BestSNR >= 20 Then
PlaySound "ns-signal-2.WAV"
ElseIf BestSNR >= 10 Then
PlaySound "ns-signal-1.WAV"
PlaySound "ns-signal-0.WAV"
End If
End If '20040426
' Nothing seen
' PlaySound "ns-tick.WAV"
End If
End If '20040511
End If
End Sub

' Start of by Laidback 030504

Sub UpdateCurrentLocation (thisLat, thisLon)

lastLatTrack = FormatMP(thisLat)
lastLonTrack = FormatMP(thisLon)

On Error Resume Next
Set CL = ActiveMap.GetLocation(FormatMP(thisLat), FormatMP(thisLon))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub

End Sub

Function FormatMP (thisCoord)

FormatMP = FormatNumber(thisCoord, 5)

End Function

' End of by Laidback 030504


Alter: 39
Anmeldung: 23.02.2006
Beiträge: 271
Wohnort: Hamburg

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 10 Apr, 2006 15:03  Titel:  (Kein Titel)
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das ding wäre ne coole sache wenns schnell arbeitet. nett wäre auch ein kleiner sound wenn er einen offenen ap gefunden hat.



Anmeldung: 22.10.2005
Beiträge: 376
Wohnort: Kleinberghofen

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 10 Apr, 2006 18:28  Titel:  (Kein Titel)
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Machts ja. >ssid bla bla bla is open> Auch in Map Point wird die Strecke und die AP's aufgezeichnet.
Nur gib mal in der Testzeile der Sprachausgabe (Systemsteuerung folgendes ein ///\\\7865432 dann bist schon nen km weiter.


Alter: 39
Anmeldung: 23.02.2006
Beiträge: 271
Wohnort: Hamburg

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 12 Apr, 2006 12:07  Titel:  (Kein Titel)
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besitzt denn netstumbler nicht die Funktion der benachrichtigung, zu singnalisieren, wenn ein AP offen ist? Dafür ist doch netstumbler da oder? Dann bräuchte man das skript ja nicht mehr oder? Auch wenn ich die idee des Skripts verdammt cool finde...


Anmeldung: 22.10.2005
Beiträge: 376
Wohnort: Kleinberghofen

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 12 Apr, 2006 16:02  Titel:  (Kein Titel)
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Schon, aber lieber hör ich asd open fde closed usw als ping pong plang bim.
Da werd ich ganz kirre.


Alter: 39
Anmeldung: 23.02.2006
Beiträge: 271
Wohnort: Hamburg

BeitragVerfasst: Do 13 Apr, 2006 11:32  Titel:  (Kein Titel)
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ich denke ich muss mal netstumbler ausprobieren, soll doch eigentlich ganz gut sein. somit sollte es doch auch nach deinen wünschen konfigurierbar sein. aber ma schaun ob du das Projekt mit deiner Lösung auch hinbekommst, wäre ja noch um einiges schlankere lösung.


Alter: 39
Anmeldung: 23.02.2006
Beiträge: 271
Wohnort: Hamburg

BeitragVerfasst: Di 02 Mai, 2006 11:22  Titel:  (Kein Titel)
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Gibbes in deinem Projekt eigentlich schon neuigkeiten???Bist du schon weiter???

Gruß Paulo

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