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NEUHEIT : CarPC JoyCon EXR Adapter-Interface f. Lenkrad-Fernbedienungen

Mit dem CarPC JoyCon EXR Adapter-Interface können Sie Ihren Car-PC mit der Lenkradfernbedienung ihres Fahrzeugs steuern. Sie können den MediaPlayer oder Front-End Programme wie z.b. Centrafuse bedienen. Da die Tasten Ihrer Lenkrad-Fernbedienung auf beliebig einstellbare Tasten gemappt werden kann jegliche Software, die mit Tasten bedient werden kann, angesteuert werden. JoyCon EXR ist der Nachfolger von JoyCon und kommt mit diesen neuen Features : 1. Exr has 4 input channel A,B channel has 12 buttons respectively. C,D channel has 2 buttons respectively. The first version had only one input channel. 2. Long and Short button for one physical button Long button and short button enables one physical button works as different two button. The critical time and the duration of each button can be configured by the user. The first version had only one long button, but Exr supports long and short button for each buttons of Channel A/B. 3. Auto Detect User can configure the resistance value of each button easily with "Auto Detect". 4. Rearview Rearview pops up when Channel C detects reversing light signal. Any USB camera or USB capture device can be used for rearview. 5. Increased mainboard compatibility Exr solved many boot troubles and resuming troubles with the recent mainboards. 6. Online firmware update If a user has any trouble with his new mainboard or he find a bug, we solve the trouble and release the fixed firmware, so that the user can update the firmware in the JoyCon Explorer by internet easily. 7. App link Application launches and pops up with preset switching by pressing a button. And "Track top windows" enables automatic preset switching when the top window is changed. "Track top windows" is very useful for touch screen user. 8. Supports not only keyboard but also HID remote controller HID remote controller enables system volume control, system power control(power off/sleep), media player control. 9. Button Speech Button speech(also OSD) can be configured for each button. 10. 2 programmable external LED port. CarPC JoyCon EX (Adapter-Interface f. Lenkrad-Fernbedienungen)

24 May 2012, 00:00
by PloneRSS — last modified 2012-09-10 15:30