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0.7 beta 2

NeoCar 0.7 beta 2 Beta

by admin last modified 2008-02-27 11:37


- Neocar Skin Workshop is no more. Say hello to its successor: NPC (neocar personalization center)
- UNINSTALL ANY PREVIOUS VERSION (If you have v.0.7 beta 1, your config.xml will NOT be deleted with uninstallation)
- "always on top" option is dislabed for now in neocar manager
- this version is introducing the *FINAL* skin format. Now it will normally never change again. You have to show at new_skin_format.txt to see what's changed.
- CD autoplay and autodetect is dislabed for performances issues
- No config module for external apps for now. You have to use a text editor to create a XML file containing application informations. Please look in APPLICATIONS subfolder of NMC's install folder.
- for now, OSD texts are in French and NOT customizable. This will come in next version.


Added !!! beta2 is inroducing the long awaited NCS, for Neocar Script. It allows you to create multiples scripts using VBScript, and interact dynamically with NMC. See neocarscript_reference.txt for more infos.

Added !!! beta2 is introdcing a brand new ACTION system for all skin controls. Now, you can create ANY button you want, with ANY name. You then just have to select an action for the button, according to current module. Just start NPC to play with button actions !

Added you can select a short AND long action for each button. You can also select a time before long action to execute, and you can select if the long action has to be launched on button's release or not. Finally, you can select if the action has to be repeated while letting button pushed.

Added you can select different icon's sizes for each filelist.

Added you can select different text color for normal/selected/playing or each filelist

Added error handling for most of the functions of NMC

Added recoded virtual keyboard module. Now you can select a different key for each keyboard mode (normal, SHIFT, ALT). Keyboard is dynamically repainting and reassigning key while pressing on CAPS LOCK, SHIFT or ALT.

Added code to prevent repeated action to stay in memory

Added code to prevent NMC to try to unload Winamp AVS if he's not present

Added you can now scroll automatically ANY TEXT on the module, horizontally or vertically (open your skin in NPC for more options)

Added new option for external apps: "allow_audio". Setting this option to 0 will stop audio upon app launch. (Thanks RoyN for this idea)

Added you can select any tempo for the slideshow using new actions system in skins

Changed beter support for "toggle" buttons like repeat or shuffle

Changed totally recoded one more time the images buffering system. Its now VERY fast and efficient. The module's images are launched only one time at first module launch.

Changed timer to update progressions was increased to 450msec for better performances

Changed removed A LOT (!) of redundant or old code. EXE file is raised 300kb down.

Bugfix if you click on the form in the background with shutdown module launched, now it cancel the shutdown properly

Bugfix error 480 on main module while launching external application with custom button

Bugfix some problems with loading screen

Bugfix suspend to ram (STR), suspend to disk (STD) are now working. NMC is continuing to play fine while returning from STD or STR.


Changed recoded "add control" panel. You can now cutomize yourself each button

Changed recoded most part of control selection in main window. Its more professional and better looking

Changed you can now double-click any control to change control's properties like button action or text format.

Changed save now in final skin format definition

Available downloads

Download neocar_media_center_07_beta_2.exe

Size: 11.0 MB - File type: application/x-msdos-program

Release information

Windows 9x/ME, Windows XP,

Release licence


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